Ottello Monda (GR) location map (Simcountry)

Ottello Monda region location map.

Ottello Monda is one of the 19 regions of the Antilia Major (Golden Rainbow), defined by geography or geopolitics.


It is the largest of the 19 regions. The distance between the eastern point to the western point is almost 3700 kms, between the meridians 23 ºE and 91 ºE. From north to south Ottello Monda is located between the paralels 17 ºS and 37 ºS.

103 countries, 22 with president constitute Ottello Monda region.


The population within the standard physical geographical boundaries was 1,25 billion in 3385. Population growth is slow and median age comparatively medium in relation to the world's other continents.

Most populous countries in Ottello Monda (Antilia Major) in 3390
Rank Country Population
1 Mazurykstan 50,000,000
2 Commonwealth of Polenga 41,000,000
3 Kingdom of Pergo Iin 40,000,000
4 Democratic Union of Novaro 28,500,000
5 Intera Med 26,000,000
6 Commonwealth of Sacome 24,500,000
7 Welioparki 23,500,000
8 Sunteria 19,300,000
9  Grand State of Manoti 19,000,000
10 The Independent State of Rossan 17,000,000


The climate is very diverse, with a large variety of climates. Such a diversity is chiefly conditioned by the presence of the high central mountains and the location in central Antilia Major.

  Antilia Major (Golden Rainbow)  
 Araba Mida | Cabana Magnifica | Canis | Carina Kanji | Crane York | Decambra | Fortuna Donna | Great Hills | Great Liberty | Great Portland | Mercury Mundo | Mercury Yugo | Nakomo Valley | Ottello Monda | Pegersus | Pictor Veronica | South Dade | Unicron West | Volusia